Rules in Subject-Verb Agreement with Explanation

Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of grammatical correctness. It refers to the agreement between the subject (the person or thing performing the action in a sentence) and the verb (the action or state of being). In simple terms, subject-verb agreement means that the verb must agree with the subject in terms of number, person, and tense.

Here are some rules to keep in mind when it comes to subject-verb agreement:

1. Rule of Number: The verb must agree with the number (singular or plural) of the subject.

For example:

– The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject and verb)

– The cats chase the mice. (plural subject and verb)

2. Rule of Person: The verb must agree with the person (first, second, or third) of the subject.

For example:

– I am going to the store. (first-person singular subject and verb)

– You are going to the store. (second-person singular subject and verb)

– He is going to the store. (third-person singular subject and verb)

3. Rule of Tense: The verb must agree with the tense (present, past, or future) of the subject.

For example:

– She is dancing right now. (present tense subject and verb)

– She danced yesterday. (past tense subject and verb)

– She will dance tomorrow. (future tense subject and verb)

Here are some common errors to avoid when it comes to subject-verb agreement:

1. Agreement with Intervening Phrases: Be careful not to let intervening phrases between the subject and verb confuse you. The verb must still agree with the subject.

For example:

– The dog, along with his friends, chases the ball. (singular subject and verb)

– The dogs, along with their friends, chase the ball. (plural subject and verb)

2. Indefinite Pronouns: Indefinite pronouns (such as anyone, someone, everybody) are singular, so the verb must also be singular.

For example:

– Everyone knows that song. (singular subject and verb)

– All of the students were happy. (plural subject and verb)

3. Collectives: Collective nouns (such as class, team, family) can be either singular or plural depending on the context.

For example:

– The team is playing well this season. (singular subject and verb)

– The family are going to the beach together. (plural subject and verb)

In summary, subject-verb agreement is crucial when it comes to good grammar. By keeping these rules in mind and avoiding common errors, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

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